and so it begins...

After many years of thinking about it and to coincide with my new website launch I have decided to start writing a BLOG.

Totally missed the blog boat, but it will fulfill my desire to get writing something other than a shopping list. I just need to curb my enthusiasm and not use too many exclamation marks!!!!!!

I set up Kirstykins as a quilt business nearly 3 years ago, it's developed and grown over that time, so much so I have decided to take the plunge and release some ready made ranges. (I know its all going on!)

I love making the bespoke quilts and always will do them, the relationships I build with people creating them is so rewarding. Every quilt has a story and this is certainly true for the ones I make. Some are brief, we create the quilt, they receive the quilt and there it ends. Some people have grown from customers to friends, I guess it can sometimes be intense.


Even though I didn't persue sales during lockdown I stayed busy. Orders kept coming in, enquiries from Instagram and Etsy and a lot of previous customers returned for a second, third time and beyond. This demand for my products, depite zero marketing, made me realise I was maybe on to something. What can I say, self belief and confidence is sometimes elusive.

Between home schooling and dreaming up the many and varied snacks (and reasons for snacks) for myself not just the kids, (my go to is a crisp sandwich if you are interested) I decided to develop a side of my business I had always dreamed of. Creating a collection of quilts using beautiful fabrics I adore and incorporating my handsewn secret messages onto them. They are still individual but they are my choices ... I hope you like them!

I rearranged my work room (again) and invested in new fabrics and got making all the new designs I had floating around my head. That was the easy part, the difficult step was building the website, as a non techy person this has been a challenge to say the least.


So here it is! A first website and blog, I intend to improve on it, but done is better than half done and never published right? I have likened this experience to the birthing of my fourth child, it has been a rollercoaster of emotions getting it ready, preparing the photos, descriptions, shipping, and then working out all the tech stuff. Please have a look around, make suggestions and comments, I am open to constructive criticism. This is definitely a work in progress

Sign up to updates (if I can work out how to set that up of course!) as the real stars of the show and what YOU and I are ultimately here for, the quilts!!! Us ecode Hello10 for 10% off your first order) They will be gradually released as I take the photos and upload them. You don't want to miss out, as they will of course sell out instantly!




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